Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wasting Time

Hope begins in the dark, hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work; you don't give up. Anne Lamott

We are trying so hard to do the best for Monster. However, it is so hard to keep hoping that BM will make the right decisions. For example, today when we picked up Moster, we asked how her weekend went. She said she had fun with BM & SF at bm's mother's house. Matt told her that must have been fun. She then asked why she had to ride with SF but BM got to stay at gma's house. Yes, SF dropped off Monster & no BM to be seen. Mind you, this concerned us because we picked up Monster at the exchange point which is 1/2 way between bio-mother's home and our own, 1 hour each way...but gma lives 10 minutes from us. Which means Monster was in a car for 2 hours for NO good reason other than to waste our time and gas!

When Hubby called to ask bio-mother about it, she couldn't give a reason that would justify the time, other than her lawyer advised her "not to sway from the order". When in actuality, she violated the order. It states that "both parties shall be mindful and considerate of the other's time..." AND it even cost her an hour of time with Monster (because she didn't even make the trip...she sent SF).

If I only had 48 hours with my child every 2 weeks, I would spend every minute possible with her. Maybe she will realize that by trying to waste our time & energy, she is costing herself more. If not, I am sorry, but we will not shed a tear for her. Is proving that she is not going to budge really worth hurting our daughter? Its pretty sad to think that she would rather try to hurt us than spend the time with Monster. Her inflexibility will cost her more in the long run than she realizes. For now, we will enjoy Monster & make the best of our time in the car, even when it isn't necessary...singing, joking, and being a family!

Life isn't all sunshine and daisies. We have to put our children first, even when we don't get our way. Hugs and Kisses to ALL!!!

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