Thursday, December 20, 2007

To My Stalker & her friends

I knew that would get your attention.

I LOVE MY LIFE!!! It is so nice to be thought of by so many people everyday!!! My family, friends, church family, MK Sisters, and so many people know the real me. All of you (you know who you are) who have never taken the chance to know me have no right to judge me. You wish you could know me because then you could hate me. At the same time you are afraid to know me for fear that I am not the monster you have made me out to be. I am written about, talked about, and lied about. Jealousy is such an interesting feeling. At least I am forthcoming with my feelings. I don't have to hide, my blog is available for you and your friends to view.I welcome your comments.

BM, I am sorry that you hate me or resent my place in Monster's life or whatever the issue is. We used to be able to talk about her and so many other things. When exactly did you start hating me? There have been times where we haven't seen eye to eye, but what two people do all the time? You know there have times that I have been here when YOU needed me, not even concerning Monster. Or have you forgotten?

I want you to know I don't hate you. I feel for you. I can't imagine living life without Monster or Monkey daily. We never wanted it to have to come down to this, but it has. We have tried to meet with you to offer more time and a more flexible schedule while she is not in school, but you refused.

We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. You have your talents, hubby has his. SF & I have ours. Wouldn't it benefit Monster to be able to draw from all of those areas? Why should everything be a battle? You won't meet with us to get on the same page to be able to parent together, ask your opinion or involve you in choices, yet you criticize the ones we make. You say call to talk, yet when Hubby calls, you are on the defensive. Would you rather try to hate us from a distance & be "safe" than trust us? Or is it that you feel better hating us because you think we took her away?

Hubby may have been awarded primary physical custody but that doesn't have to affect your relationship with Monster unless you let it. I recognize you as Monster's mother, does that help? I can't tell you any other way. I want you to be in her life, but you are making that hard on yourself.

Hubby can only take so much from both of us. I am his wife and he will support me and my decisions regarding our home, children, and our lives together. That also means that he will include me in his decision making process, as I am sure you will do the same with your husband. You are Monster's mother and we will respect your views and opinions on choices regarding her. We will keep you informed, you will have to keep yourself involved. We only ask that you respect us and stop trying to make our lives as difficult as possible, you are only hurting Monster. She is happy, healthy, and loved by so many people, is that really so bad?

As far as the exchange place goes, we will document what is necessary in order to save Monster any unnecessary travel. By making that choice, you lost an hour with her. Was it worth it? All you need to do is call. Yes, sometimes we may have plans that we are not going to change. How will you know if you don't try? We do ask that you respect our time and give us as much notice as possible when you are able to be in town. Who knows, we might even offer to let you keep her an extra day. Hubby usually works the Sunday night we pick her up, wouldn't you rather have that time with your daughter? I know that's a hard concept to grasp given the circumstances, but we've done it before. That is what co-parenting is all about; being willing to make the best decisions for Monster, not ourselves.

That goes for all aspects of the order and Monster's life. We are not hiding anything from you and do not anticipate doing so. We expect the same respect from you. We are hoping that you can give us complete openness and honesty. I hope that one day you will have respect enough to speak with me honestly about your feelings, and stop accusing me of trying to replace you. You don't have to compete with me. I have my own special place in Monster's heart, as do all her parents.

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