Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Icicle lights are up (even though they don't match). Thanks Hubby!! My OCD nature will have to look past them for a few more weeks), Monster & Monkey have visited Santa, and we have presents wrapped and under the decorated tree. YAY, soon S he will be here. Saturday, Monkey will be attending our church's Birthday Party for Jesus! Monster will be at her other home for the weekend, so we'll make sure to save her some cake and a craft!

We have soo much planned for the Christmas/New Year Season!!! We may have to do Christmas a little bit late this year so that our entire family can be with us, but that's just fine! It isn't the date that matters, it is the time we spend together!!! (and this way I can hit all the after-Christmas sales...WOOHOO!)

After Christmas here, the girls & I are going to WV to visit my grandparents and my Great-grandmother. I want the girls to spend as much time with her as they can! They can't wait to see them again!

I hope your Holidays are as happy as mine will be! Love & Hugs to all!

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