Saturday, December 15, 2007

Our Family History - Chapter 1

Hubby & I met in HS & had a few classes together, but I dated the same guy through HS & Hubby wasn't really in my "circle." In Fall of 2003, Hubby was separating from Monster's bio-mother. On a twist of fate, Hubby & I ran into each other at a football game (his mom had forced him to go to) about 2 weeks before our mutual friend JR was going to be moving in with him. Being that JR and I spent a lot of time together, I figured I might as well get to know Hubby again.

Hubby & I went to IHOP after the game & played "catch up." We talked about our lives since HS & his then 6 month old daughter Monster. Well, like I said before, JR and I were close which meant seeing a lot of Hubby too. One night after a movie & some XBOX @ JR's parents home, Hubby kissed me. It was definitely not something I was expecting, but that's where it all began.

Fast forward one year, and we find out we are expecting Monkey! Yet again, not expected, but wonderful none the less. Hubby & I had planned on being married and starting our family soon, but maybe not quite this soon. He wanted to have a more stable income & be a man his children could look up to, so he decided to begin Basic Law Enforcement Training and enter the police force.

While all this was going on, his mom found out she had Cirhossis and had to undergo some testing and hospital stays. We moved from our home into theirs for a few months to help care for his younger brother S who was in Elementary school at the time. It was definitely an interesting experience. I was pregnant, he was in BLET, we were going through some custody changes with Monster, and so much more! I am surprised my head didn't explode!!!

OK, all you guys out there, you may want to skip these next few parts!!! Hubby and I planned to be married a few weeks before Monkey was due. We got our marriage license and everything was good to go. He and I went to Red Lobster that night to celebrate! Well, Hubby had a job interview that morning & my dad called me and asked if I could work at our care home because someone didn't show up! Since we only had one car at the time, we went to the interview, ran by wal-mart, and went to the care home.

I had felt cramps all morning, but thought it was just something I had eaten the night before or really bad gas (sorry for the TMI). Around 2, my sister showed up to relieve me at the care home & we went home. We finally called the birth center (we wanted to have a natural water birth) & they gave us all kinds of instuctions on how to stop the "Braxton Hicks" contractions I was supposedly having...think again!!! At 4 pm, Hubby & I met his parents at the courthouse. We got married in about 10 minutes (between what I later found out were contractions!) & went home.

At 6:00 I finally called the Birth center back and asked if I could have some tylenol or something & they had us come in just to be on the safe side. On the way to the birth center, I started having what i called REAL pain. When we got there, I was 10 cm and at a +2 station (for those who don't know, the head was almost showing!) Well, 10 minutes later, Monkey graced us with her presence! I will definitely never forget that day!

Hubby got his first position as a police officer in Nov 2005. His Chief and all the other officers were wonderful! That PD family was wonderful to have, but it was too far of a drive and he wasn't making near what he was worth. When he was offered a position, closer to home making 8k more plus raises in 6 months...he jumped on it! He should've started in February, but his body decided it didn't need his Gallbladder anymore so, after surgery and 2 weeks of resting, he started in March 2007.

Backtrack a little, in fall 2006, we began having BIG issues with Monster's bio-mother. Matt filed for custody in October because of some major concerns. Then, all of a sudden she starts dating this guy & decided to move 2 hours away (within 2 months). We knew that Monster didn't need to travel all that way twice a week. After mediation, Hubby & BM agreed that Monster would be with us during the week and every other weekend. That worked for about 4 months.

Then, out of the blue BM decided it wasn't going to work for her. Knowing there was nothing else we could do, we returned to the original order. Our attorney set a court date and we started preparing for the battle ahead. After many re-scheduled dates, 2 unsubstantiated sexual abuse reports (filed by the bio-mother), and DRAMA, we finally got in front of a judge. Then, after 3 days of testimony and some more time in agony waiting for a decision, Hubby was awarded Primary Physical Custody. The judge listed many reasons for his decision, most of which were based on the BM's instability. We were in shock that it was all finally over!!! Now we are able to give her the life she deserves!

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